Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Blog neglect

I have been neglecting my blog. I am so good at that. I guess I've just been wanting something more. Something more complex and stylish. Ugh. My 2013 goal is a really nice blog, but for now, this is what i'll deal with. =/ Anyways, I think I should show you all a little of what i've been up to the last few months! =)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Finished with Mrs. Pryals Photoshoot!

Yes, it's official. I am done with Mrs. Pryal's photoshoot! She is such a beautiful girl and I had the chance to make her feel brand new. I really hope she not only likes them, but loves them. I really fell in love with them myself. All this brings up a good topic of why I love my job. My job is to capture your memories on camera and eventually to paper... High quality photographic paper that is, and I LOVE making people feel good about themselves. Especially through ART. Who wouldn't want to get their photograph taken and look like a million bucks hanging on their walls? I DO I DO! Unfortunately I can't take my own photographs unless it's myspace angle. You know, the angle way up to the side facing down.. Yup, I've mastered those a few times, but ANYWAYS, back to topic. I am building up my portfolio and one of my biggest things is to make people feel good about themselves and to create that photo that they want to show off to absolutely everyone without feeling conscience about themselves. I want them to be able to say, "Look how fabulous I look!" I can't wait to start doing high school senior portraits some day. I hope to one day be the unique photographer that all the seniors want to come to for their senior pictures because they're unlike anyone else and totally YOU. This is by far the best job i've ever done. Gah, I love it!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

New blog design!

Yes! I am back! Once again! For some reason I forgot my google email and forgot my password.. After I got all that figured out I thought I better spruce up the place a little. How do you like it? I thought what better way to represent Chynne Sue Photography then to actually do it Chynne style! YES! I love it! =) I have tons of loverly things to catch up on! Let me get all that put together and I'll post it! For now I'm going to leave you with one of my best friends recent photoshoots. She is gorgeous and she tells me that I helped put the gorgeous back into her. =) I love making people feel good about themselves!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Custom Timeline Covers?

I will now be offering timeline covers! Family pictures, personal pictures, or anything your heart desires. They're only $5! I shall be getting the timeline preview page up soon! :):)

Just a thought.

Yes, I am one to photograph flowers, skies, mountains, lakes, trees, or even as crazy as cars. I love to photograph anything and just about everything. I think it helps learn new techniques and tricks with my camera and I feel I am learning every snapshot I take. Not everyone is a nature photographer, and not everyone believes it's "fun" to photograph flowers because in a sense they're all the same. I say noooo way to that statement. Every photograph I've ever taken of flowers is completely different from the last. From camera settings to composition.

This kinda reminds me of a topic that bugs me. I absolutely DISPISE photographers who complain that another photographer "stole their spot." I don't know about you, but just like I was talking about with flowers, every picture is different. From camera settings to composition. I actually enjoy using spots over and over just to see how much I've actually improved. Every photographer is going to set it up differently. Poses, camera angle, settings, and so on. I just find it absolutely hilarious when they complain about it. Guess it's kinda one of those things...

Here are some pictures I've taken the past couple days..

I love me some blue flowers.. My favorite.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I now have internet again! I have a few things I'm dying to share with you all as well! But, let me get my photoshop up and running again! :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Do you ever re-edit?

Lately photo shoots have been slow. Really slow... to the point that i'm finding myself re-editing a picture. I have become so so much better at editing in just the last few months. It's fun to go back and re-edit something and compare. My favorite saying is "The only photographer you should compare yourself to is the one you used to be!" I'm not sure who said that, but it's my favorite. Look at the differences.

The one on the right is the old one and the left is the new edit. Is it just me or is the crop better, color tons better, and I could just keep going on... Lol. I'm so proud of myself!

I know my blog posts have been pretty short lately, but I hope that some business picks up so I have something to yap about!